Celebratory powerslide, anyone?
The select few people who have managed to stick around with The Blog of Cars since the very beginning are probably well-aware of our constant drops into inactivity. It can be challenging at times to balance various real-world commitments with this little hobby. But today, we make a comeback once again. Well, at least one of us does…
For better or for worse, the team has gradually disbanded, writers falling into inactivity one-by-one. I thank them for their contributions, but with this latest comeback, I have decided to start from scratch, with a new mindset and new ideas. I am still open to any writers, previous contributors included, who wish to write for The Blog of Cars. But this time, I’m prepared to operate the blog on my own.
The news-oriented approach that I have been taking up until now was, admittedly, not the best thing to do in the long-run. I managed to learn quite a lot about writing the news this way, but it put pressure on me to get all the latest and greatest news out there quickly, before it became “yesterday’s news” – something which just isn’t possible when you’re on your own.
So, what now then? Well, it’s time to make the articles a bit more personal, like reviews or editorials. It’s a somewhat new style of writing for me, but that just makes it a learning opportunity. It also takes some pressure off of me, which is key to this comeback. But despite that, I will still be trying my absolute best to maintain a one-day, one-article policy. That, my friends, is The New Blog of Cars. It’s good to be back.
P.S. You may notice I’ve also adopted a new site slogan. Just trying to add a touch of creativity after our old, Top Gear-inspired slogan.