Saab may not be dead yet

After General Motors has announced that it was set to kill the Saab brand, it seems that the last bidder who was left in the game, Spyker Cars, has made the American giant a new offer to try to secure Saab’s future. Spyker CEO Victor R. Muller said today that a new offer has been submitted to GM with the 11 points that prevented Spyker for taking Saab last time being reconsidered. They are very confident that they have removed any obstacle that stood in the way of the transaction the last time therefore hoping no problems will arouse this time.

The company’s CEO was quoted as being very confident of securing the deal this time: “We have made every effort to resolve the issues that were preventing the conclusion of this matter and we have asked GM and all other involved parties to seriously consider this offer. We are very confident that our renewed offer will remove the impasse that was standing in the way of an agreement on Friday, and this would still allow us to conclude the deal prior to the expiry of the deadline originally set by GM of December 31st”

We wish Spyker good luck with their deal as it would be very sad to see Saab die for good. Also, if Saab were to be rescued the 1100 dealers worldwide and 3400 employees who were previously in danger, will keep on making some money.

Source: Spyker

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