Category Archives: Facebook

Minor Changes

Besides the visual changes done, as well as those coming up, we’ve had some other minor changes as well. Partially visual, but a bit functional as well.

Firstly, there used to a be a picture right above the search box. I removed it, as it seemed to serve no purpose other than cluttering sidebar.

Secondly, to help promote our Facebook page, I’ve added a page badge to the sidebar. It’s right below the e-mail subscription box. You can press it to access the Facebook page. It should also display the current status of the Facebook page.

That’s it really. I promised minor, and they are minor. Hopefully they’ll improve your experience here though.

Visual Overhaul

In the coming day or two, the blog, and its pages on Twitter and Facebook, will be receiving a visual overhaul, which will go hand in hand with the new banner. Alex is doing it all, and a great thanks to him for it. Changes include new avatars for me and Alex, a new Twitter avatar and background and a new Facebook avatar. Also under consideration is a new theme, which may mean the banner will be changing yet again, as the current one may not be compatible with the new theme. This is only under consideration at the moment though, while everything else is definitely coming, and most of it is ready, just needs to be uploaded. Hopefully everyone will like these changes.

Facebook Changes

After running a poll, asking people for suggestions, and such, I decided to change the Facebook group to a fan page.

The page is now up and running, and to give everyone time to transition, the group will shut down in 2 weeks.

Click here to become a fan of the blog.

E-Mail Subscription and Possible Facebook Changes

I have added another method of following our blog. You may subscribe to the blog through e-mail now.

To do so, find the “E-Mail Subscription” section in the sidebar. WordPress users can simply press “Sign me up!” and the e-mail their account uses will automatically be signed up. People who aren’t registered at WordPress will need to enter their e-mail and then press the “Sign me up!” button.

Besides this, we are considering shutting down the Facebook group and instead starting a fan page. This will bring updates directly to your news feed, rather than having to visit the group page. I believe some other differences exist as well, though I’m not too sure what they are. Please express your opinion on this matter in the following poll. We’d also like you to comment and tell us why you chose whichever option you chose in the poll.

Slight Changes

You might notice some slight changes I’ve made to the blog.

The new theme removed the search function, I’ve added it back again. And the Twitter sidebar is back. There is now a list of latest Tweets in the sidebar. The last time I did this was back on the Blogetery hosted blog, and it didn’t function properly. Hopefully this one will be fine.

Oh, you’ll also notice on the Facebook page that the size of pictures in the links has shrunk. This is a Facebook-wide thing, and I don’t know why it’s been done, as it now looks hideous. Though maybe it’s just my computer.

Lastly, if you haven’t already done so, please vote in the following two polls. Your vote will help us make this blog a better place.

Oh, and if you vote “No” for our new theme, please comment and tell us what you dislike about it, your feedback is important.

The blog is now on Facebook

Everyone who uses Facebook can now support the blog by joining our Facebook group. Hope to see plenty of people there.

Update: The group has been replaced with a page. The group has been closed, so any links to it won’t work.