Tag Archives: Volvo

Heico Sportiv adds some oomph to the Volvo V40

Volvo isn’t exactly a brand we associate with performance often. Luxury? Sure. Safety? Absolutely. But not to worry, the kind folks at Heico Sportiv are here to remedy the issue by creating a sportier version of the Volvo V40.

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Estates: Where did we go wrong?

Most Americans have rather bad memories of being shoved in an enormous station wagon and driven halfway across the country to visit relatives they didn’t want to see. New wagons may just change that.

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Looking back at the past decade in motoring: Part 3

In our last flashback to the “noughties”, we had a look at China and how they’ve been moving up in the automotive industry. Now, we’ll be increasing the scale and having a look at the whole world, and how it was affected by the financial crisis.

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Looking back at the past decade in motoring: Part 2

BYD e6

In the first part of this series, we looked through some of the worlds most exotic cars, and how they battled it out in a showdown for the most speed last decade. Now though, it’s time to take things down a notch and talk about some Chinese automakers fighting their way into the big automotive world.

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Saab showing more signs of life as 9-4X begins production, GM's Ed Whitacre becomes company CEO

Yes indeed, the Saab saga isn’t over yet. General Motors is still deciding whether or not to sell Saab, although reports seem to think that a decision is near, and now GM is suggesting that they’re hopeful by beginning production of the upcoming 9-4X (Pictured in the spy shot above). Also, Ed Whitacre has become the CEO of General Motors.

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