The 2010 New Delhi Auto Expo in pictures

This year’s Auto Expo motor show, held in New Delhi, India, was a major event for car manufacturers. As India is a developing market, car firms have turned up with reasonably priced cars, some of them specifically designed for the market. Let’s recap the most important launches at this year’s Auto Expo by reviewing it in pictures.

Honda turned up with the New Small Concept, a small city car set to go on sale in India and Thailand. With an estimated price of $10,823 and an attractive design, it might be a big success.

Rivalry amongst the Japanese as Toyota presented a rival for Honda’s car. The Etios was released as a hatchback and as a saloon and it too will make it into production. It seems like the Japanese are considering India as an important market.

Another one-off car at the Auto Expo was Suzuki’s R3. Developed by Indian sister company Maruti, this MPV might become a road going car. The R3 has 6 seats and rear-hinged back doors.

A more interesting exhibit was this racing VW Polo. Its called the Race Polo, it will only be available in India and it will race in its own series: the Polo Cup. Among with it, VW have presented the Indian version of the normal Polo.

The hybrid flood was present at this year’s Auto Expo as well, Suzuki having made this SX4 concept. It too was developed by Maruti Suzuki and it has a 1.2L gasoline engine and an electric motor producing 67 hp.

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