Tag Archives: Ross Brawn

Michael Schumacher may return to Formula 1

Michael Schumacher, holder of an insane amount of Formula 1 records, including the most drivers championships won, may be returning to Formula 1 to race with Mercedes-Benz GP, previously known as Brawn GP, but now taken over by Mercedes, hence the new name.

Mercedes has done a lot for Schumacher. He begun his career racing sportscars there, and they helped him get into Formula 1. Now, Mercedes is giving him a chance to return the sport. They want him as their lead driver. Currently, Schumacher is under a contract with Ferrari, but BCC F1 pundit Eddie Jordan says “…I understand he was due to meet Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo with a view to him being released – and that it will be approved because it is in the interests of F1.” Strangely enough, I saw another article which seems to contradict Autocar’s, saying that he has been sacked from the Formula 1 team as advisor. Mind you, it also mentions that he’s still working with them in the road car department, so perhaps that’s the contract they are talking about.

Jordan told the BBC “I also believe Ross and Michael have spoken in recent times and that Michael likes the idea of driving a Mercedes run by Ross. It’s a mouth-watering idea,” and “Schumacher was bitterly disappointed he didn’t get to come back to replace Massa – he’s keen to race again. And this is a dream for both parties.” That, along with his past relationship with Mercedes, may mean that he’ll end up racing for them. I’d really like to see that. Alex had his doubts about Mercedes-Benz GP doing well next season, but if they get Schumacher on, perhaps that disadvantage will be evened out to create some close competition.

Source: Autocar and Mibz

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Mercedes buys Brawn GP

Yes, it seems the rumours were true, Mercedes-Benz has indeed bought the double-championship winning Brawn team and it’s aiming to return to Formula 1 as a manufacturer since 1955. The German giant has bought about 75% of the English team and they say that Ross Brawn will remain team principal. They will also continue their deal with McLaren as they must supply engines for free for another 6 years to them.

Over the next two-year period McLaren will buy back actions worth 40% back from Mercedes. The new Mercedes-Benz GP team will be also based in the current Brawn GP factory in Brackley. The thing is, I just don’t understand what Mercedes is trying to play here. They will return to F1 by buying a team that has won a few weeks ago both world championships.

You might think: ok, that’s very intelligent then, they chose a winning team so it’s very good. You see, in F1, development takes time, so in general, the team which has the most time, experience and money turns up with the best car for the next year. Now Brawn have been fighting for the championship until the penultimate race so they kept their eyes focused on the 2009 car while others like Ferrari for instance had already began their development on their 2010 car.

The driver lineup will also be a problem. Rumours say that there will be an all-British layout at McLaren : Button and Hamilton, and an all-German layout at Mercedes: Heidfeld and Rosberg. Imagine that: the Germans will be laying the red carpet for each other in the ultimate fair-play team game begging each other to overtake while the Brits will be having a massive fight for who should be nr 1 .

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